
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Uwwwwaaaa!! =.=

i want to cry! huwaaaa,
my tangan sakit la, both of my cousin torturing me,,,
ade ke patut diaorg cmpk kat aku setimbun 2 years of invoice n service report tu aku msuk kan dlm computer!!bile aku tgok fail tu nk muntah hijau dah,,
abis tgn kebas,semalam bru siap ngn 2 years of invoice bole plak abg aku yg bijak lagi pandai ni cmpk kat aku setimbun service report lagi!! watt???againnnn :)
OMG!!!dun wan to do can ah?? =.=
kepala da pening dah, da la tulisan dlm service report ni hampeh,almaklum la tulisan laki,CAKAR AYAM!!!bole x korank tulis tu biar elok skit!!grr -.-

Monday and Tuesdays ari yg xde klas so ingatkan bole rest n on9!!buuuttttt, smpai office do the same thing!argghhh

now I'm this busy:(
hand tired =.=