
Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, Everything is New :)

Assalamualaikum wbt...
ok,,maybe its not to late for me to wish everybody HAPPY NEW YEAR <--not too late kan..haha:)

each of every one of u mesti ade own resolution kan2...heheh
including me la..
tpi resolution aku x pyh cite sni la kan..
i wish all your resolution come true ok..

mcm la aku ckp new year mesti ade new things kan..
aku de lappy bru..




new dress,,,okok..new dresssssss...akhirnye aku dpt dress untuk wedding abg sedare aku ok..
weekend ni wedding abg aku kat ball room KLCC...
last minute dow bru dpt dress ni..ingat senang ke..=.=
satu mid valley aku n my mum berkelana jaya n buat tawaf stu...
saiz aku ni susah nk cri dress ow disebabkan aku badan ak yg comel stu sni an..
akhirnye dlm kol 9 malam bru dpt cti dress ni kat metrojaya..dress dier lawa n fits me wonderfully,,hahah,,,bkn murah ok dress tu walaupun dh diskaun 20%....x pyh ckp la dress tu bpe harga..as long aku sendiri yg tau...
klau korunk nk tau korunk g la cri dress ni sendiri kat metrojaya mid..wahahahahaha:)
thx to my dad for the dad...love u dad,,,nnti i claim from u ok..still have the resit with me..hahah
n thxx to my mum too sbb temankan me cri dress tu...n u show a lot of patient throughout there...
i love daddy n mummy so much..muahmuah muah..:)

this is the lovely dress
p/s:pix to agk x lawa sbb fon murah an so pix mmg x lawa la kan..