
Friday, January 28, 2011

Aligato Gozaimaz! =.=

aligato gozaimaz :)
*ayat yg akn keluar dri mulut setiap kali jumpe lecturer marketing aku,,, n then dier akn reply sakae sushi,,hahah

ok back to the point,aritu da dpt results tuk semester 5 aku,its a short sem, truthfully speaking i a bit dissapointed with my biz mgt punyer results,,,i got B+ only,,but im expecting A,,,so that i could increase my pointer lagi,,,huwaaaaa,,,but in the end pointer aku just naik 0.01 only,,banggang btul tau,,,maybe because aku x jwp soalan change tu sbb tu dpt B shje..
wish i could turn back the time n jwp soalan change tu so that i could have a A,,can I???? :(

tpi nk buat cmne? its all ditakdirkan already,,just take it diana,,,maybe bkn rezeki,,bak kate ayhku,,,my daddy n mummy ask me to try harder just dun give up,,ok!!i will try the hardest in this sem...:) its my semangat now..hahah

p/s:yg aku pelik nye, believe it or not, asal paper Mr Tony Leong je aku x penah dpt A y ah?
mr tony y ah?hahaha,,,
intro to biz da la x dpt A
biz mgt pun nk ikut jejak langkah intro 2 biz tu,,,haihhh!~