
Monday, January 10, 2011

Kebenarannya, jeng jeng jeng :)

1. Real name: Nur Diana Binti Ahmad Zulkifli
2. Nickname(s): ana(org terdekat), na(weena n spe tah), diana
3. Zodiac Sign: Cancer
4. Male or female: female lol, da akte ber-binti =.=
5.Elementary School: SK Taman Cuepacs
6. High School: SMK Perimbun
7. In relationship with : nope, single mingle lagi okies! :)
8. Hair color: perang2 skit lol
9. Tall or short: di kategori tall la jgak:)
11. Skirts or Jeans: prefer jeans more:)
12. Phone or Camera: Phone(my life) :)
13. Health freak: xde la,stable:)
14. Orange or Apple:Oren!!
15. Do you have a crush on someone?: yup,..biarlah rahsia
16. Eat or Drink: Eat =,=
17. Piercings: yup2, ears only :)
18. Pepsi or Coke : Coke :)


19. Been in an airplane: no, sedih an?
20. Been in a relationship: no.
21. Been in a car accident: never before, alhamdulilah:)
22. Been in prison?: nope n never!


23. First piercing: ears :)
24. First best friend: x ingat lol :) kwn skola rendah la sbb dlu pemalu org nye, rsenye nana n ika:)
25. First award: mase skola rendah, awrd pelajat harapan:) bangga jap
26. First crush:when im in primary school:)
27. First word: sumpah x tau:)


29. Last person you talked to in person: My cousin:)
30. Last person you texted: hazirah :)
31. Last person you watched a movie with: ina n zira
32. Last food you ate: biskut:)
33. Last movie you watched: Gulivers Travels
34. Last song you listened to: pyramid :)
35. Last thing you bought: ehmmmm,,last thing ek? beg, shawl, klip rmbut n ear phone :)
36. Last person you hugged: my anak buah :)
37.Favorite Food: ehmmm, banyak la:)
38. Drink: dunno
39. Bottoms: jeans
40. Flower: rose, yeah:)
41. Animal : kucing :)
42. Colors:pink
43. Movies: so much
44. Subjects: accounts

HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an X in the brackets if yes)

45.[x]fell in love with someone.
46.[ ]celebrated Halloween.
47.[x]had your heart broken.
48.[x]went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49.[ ]had someone question my sexual orientation.
51.[ ]got pregnant.
52.[ ]had an abortion.
53.[x]did something I regret.
54.[x]broke a promise.
55.[x]hid a secret.
56.[x]pretended to be happy.
57.[x]met someone who changed your life.
58.[x]pretended to be sick.
59.[ ]left the country.
60.[x]tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it. (not in a wrong way.)
61.[ ]cried over the silliest thing.
62.[x]ran a mile.
63.[ ]went to the beach with your best friend.
64.[x]got into an argument with your friends.
65.[x]hated someone.
66.[x]stayed single for 2 years

67. Eating:nope, diet!
68.Drinking:air sejuk!
69. Listening:none!
70. Sitting/Laying: sitting
71. Plans for today:nk call abg zul kejap lagi kot, nnnti majuk lak die :)
72. Waiting: to go home


73. Want kids?: of course
74. Want to get married?: mesti la,impian tu
75. Career: accountant yg berjaya n bertauliah,hahaha
76 Lips or eyes: eyes
77. Shorter or taller: taller
78. Romantic or spontaneous: gabung boleh x?
81. Hook-up or relationship : relationship
82. Looks or personality: both


83. Lost glasses/contacts: nope.
86. Killed somebody: x penah dow, x brani:)
87. Broken someone's heart: penah, menyesal sgt abaikan die:)
88. Been in love: yes
89. Cried when some1 died: sedih gile:)


90. Yourself: yes
91. Miracles: yes
92. Love at first sight: yes.
93. Heaven: yes
94. Santa Clause: nope:)
95. Sex on the first date: no, for sure.
96. Kiss on the first date: nope :)


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: yup2, rely much .
98. Do you know who your real friends are: yessa!
99. Do you believe in God: yes, percaye sgt2 pde Allah SWT
100. Post as 100 truths?: OMG!!