
Friday, January 28, 2011

Aligato Gozaimaz! =.=

aligato gozaimaz :)
*ayat yg akn keluar dri mulut setiap kali jumpe lecturer marketing aku,,, n then dier akn reply sakae sushi,,hahah

ok back to the point,aritu da dpt results tuk semester 5 aku,its a short sem, truthfully speaking i a bit dissapointed with my biz mgt punyer results,,,i got B+ only,,but im expecting A,,,so that i could increase my pointer lagi,,,huwaaaaa,,,but in the end pointer aku just naik 0.01 only,,banggang btul tau,,,maybe because aku x jwp soalan change tu sbb tu dpt B shje..
wish i could turn back the time n jwp soalan change tu so that i could have a A,,can I???? :(

tpi nk buat cmne? its all ditakdirkan already,,just take it diana,,,maybe bkn rezeki,,bak kate ayhku,,,my daddy n mummy ask me to try harder just dun give up,,ok!!i will try the hardest in this sem...:) its my semangat now..hahah

p/s:yg aku pelik nye, believe it or not, asal paper Mr Tony Leong je aku x penah dpt A y ah?
mr tony y ah?hahaha,,,
intro to biz da la x dpt A
biz mgt pun nk ikut jejak langkah intro 2 biz tu,,,haihhh!~

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Uwwwwaaaa!! =.=

i want to cry! huwaaaa,
my tangan sakit la, both of my cousin torturing me,,,
ade ke patut diaorg cmpk kat aku setimbun 2 years of invoice n service report tu aku msuk kan dlm computer!!bile aku tgok fail tu nk muntah hijau dah,,
abis tgn kebas,semalam bru siap ngn 2 years of invoice bole plak abg aku yg bijak lagi pandai ni cmpk kat aku setimbun service report lagi!! watt???againnnn :)
OMG!!!dun wan to do can ah?? =.=
kepala da pening dah, da la tulisan dlm service report ni hampeh,almaklum la tulisan laki,CAKAR AYAM!!!bole x korank tulis tu biar elok skit!!grr -.-

Monday and Tuesdays ari yg xde klas so ingatkan bole rest n on9!!buuuttttt, smpai office do the same thing!argghhh

now I'm this busy:(
hand tired =.=

Nak Shopping!


chinese new year is around the corner, but baju baru, seluar baru n kasut baru suma x beli lagi,
ape nk buat ni!!!OMG
daddy jadi mangsa ku!~
dgn muke berchaya n muke 10sen, g jumpe my beloved daddy:)

Waiting excitedly for CNY with all my family:)
got BANYAK angpau!
this year got 2 extra angpau more,
from my cousin n his wife,
because they are newly wed at January:)

Shouting!(daddy, ana nk shopping!!!*mesti ayh ak tutup teling punye klau x mesti pekak!) out of my prediction, dier gelak sakan, mcm pontianak dah die gelak!!

Daddy*dgn nada yg manja, ana nk shopping for CNY boleh?daddy belanja? mummy kedekut x nk belikan,huhuw!~
semalam sembang2 ngn daddy ku,
Daddy:da shopping dgn mummy?bile CNY?
ana:blum,mummy kedekut,xnk belikan:(*smbil buat muke seposen,
Daddy:yeke?hahahaha*ketawa mcm kerang busuk, kesian darling, ok nnti malam rabu or kamis kt keluar makan n then shopping skali k?
Ana:yes,great! daddy i love u la,*senyum smpai ke telinga,,hahaha:)

yeah, daddy i want 3 pair of jeans, 2 baju, and then nk wedges or kasut lawa satu!!hahhaa,daddy bayar ok, i love u,,


p/s:sori daddy,u have to spent for your lovely daughter again:)
susah kan klau ade ank kacukan:)
raya spent, CNY also spend,kesian,
ala, dy sekali sekala kan,ape salahnye:)
I love love love u daddy :)

btw, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all my lovely friends,have a fun day :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

makan dulu tau! -.-

arini as usual i have klas ok! klas boring plak tu aiyooo!~ -.-
lpas bersiap2 tu trus aku msg abg zul tnye jalan dri sg long pkul bape? then dier reply, abg jaln kul 9.15, alamak awalnye, lagi 10 minit, sempat ke? trus berlari2 ayam aku ke bus stop, hahaha, yeah dpt gak, sib baik! abg nk karate laju2 kang! jalan awal bkn nk habaq mai! grrr :)

abg zul:ade klas ke?
me:ade kol 12, heheh,
abg zul: da makan?
me: blum,
abg zul:abg pun blum, x sempat,tdi bus ade satu je,(dlm hati nk je kenakan die "x tnye pun,hahah" )
me:ala, nnti abg naik balik sg long bole makan, pakej "brunch'',hahaha
abg zul:adik ni, nk usik abg la tu!

akhirnye perjalanan mengambil mase 1 jam 15 minit, lame nye, sib baik abg bwk klau x da mati kebosonan adik dlm bus tu :)

me:trima kasih, bye2,
abg zul:ok, nnti abg call, makan dlu tau!-.-
me:yee, nnti adik habis klas adik call ok :)

p/s: korunk suma makn dlu k, x kira la breakfast ke brunch ke lunch ke atau segala ape, pesanan ikhlas dri DIANA :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Kebenarannya, jeng jeng jeng :)

1. Real name: Nur Diana Binti Ahmad Zulkifli
2. Nickname(s): ana(org terdekat), na(weena n spe tah), diana
3. Zodiac Sign: Cancer
4. Male or female: female lol, da akte ber-binti =.=
5.Elementary School: SK Taman Cuepacs
6. High School: SMK Perimbun
7. In relationship with : nope, single mingle lagi okies! :)
8. Hair color: perang2 skit lol
9. Tall or short: di kategori tall la jgak:)
11. Skirts or Jeans: prefer jeans more:)
12. Phone or Camera: Phone(my life) :)
13. Health freak: xde la,stable:)
14. Orange or Apple:Oren!!
15. Do you have a crush on someone?: yup,..biarlah rahsia
16. Eat or Drink: Eat =,=
17. Piercings: yup2, ears only :)
18. Pepsi or Coke : Coke :)


19. Been in an airplane: no, sedih an?
20. Been in a relationship: no.
21. Been in a car accident: never before, alhamdulilah:)
22. Been in prison?: nope n never!


23. First piercing: ears :)
24. First best friend: x ingat lol :) kwn skola rendah la sbb dlu pemalu org nye, rsenye nana n ika:)
25. First award: mase skola rendah, awrd pelajat harapan:) bangga jap
26. First crush:when im in primary school:)
27. First word: sumpah x tau:)


29. Last person you talked to in person: My cousin:)
30. Last person you texted: hazirah :)
31. Last person you watched a movie with: ina n zira
32. Last food you ate: biskut:)
33. Last movie you watched: Gulivers Travels
34. Last song you listened to: pyramid :)
35. Last thing you bought: ehmmmm,,last thing ek? beg, shawl, klip rmbut n ear phone :)
36. Last person you hugged: my anak buah :)
37.Favorite Food: ehmmm, banyak la:)
38. Drink: dunno
39. Bottoms: jeans
40. Flower: rose, yeah:)
41. Animal : kucing :)
42. Colors:pink
43. Movies: so much
44. Subjects: accounts

HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an X in the brackets if yes)

45.[x]fell in love with someone.
46.[ ]celebrated Halloween.
47.[x]had your heart broken.
48.[x]went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49.[ ]had someone question my sexual orientation.
51.[ ]got pregnant.
52.[ ]had an abortion.
53.[x]did something I regret.
54.[x]broke a promise.
55.[x]hid a secret.
56.[x]pretended to be happy.
57.[x]met someone who changed your life.
58.[x]pretended to be sick.
59.[ ]left the country.
60.[x]tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it. (not in a wrong way.)
61.[ ]cried over the silliest thing.
62.[x]ran a mile.
63.[ ]went to the beach with your best friend.
64.[x]got into an argument with your friends.
65.[x]hated someone.
66.[x]stayed single for 2 years

67. Eating:nope, diet!
68.Drinking:air sejuk!
69. Listening:none!
70. Sitting/Laying: sitting
71. Plans for today:nk call abg zul kejap lagi kot, nnnti majuk lak die :)
72. Waiting: to go home


73. Want kids?: of course
74. Want to get married?: mesti la,impian tu
75. Career: accountant yg berjaya n bertauliah,hahaha
76 Lips or eyes: eyes
77. Shorter or taller: taller
78. Romantic or spontaneous: gabung boleh x?
81. Hook-up or relationship : relationship
82. Looks or personality: both


83. Lost glasses/contacts: nope.
86. Killed somebody: x penah dow, x brani:)
87. Broken someone's heart: penah, menyesal sgt abaikan die:)
88. Been in love: yes
89. Cried when some1 died: sedih gile:)


90. Yourself: yes
91. Miracles: yes
92. Love at first sight: yes.
93. Heaven: yes
94. Santa Clause: nope:)
95. Sex on the first date: no, for sure.
96. Kiss on the first date: nope :)


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: yup2, rely much .
98. Do you know who your real friends are: yessa!
99. Do you believe in God: yes, percaye sgt2 pde Allah SWT
100. Post as 100 truths?: OMG!!

Tired =.=

selamat pagi malaysia :)
this few days is the tiring days for us,
hari jumaat tu disebabkan last minute adjustments me n my mum bersekang mate smpai pagi2 buta kat rumah pakcik den untuk buat name list for the wedding dinner at KLCC ari ahad which is held yesterday -.-, bayangkan kte suma tido kol 3.30am, sib baik la mcd dekat je, abg sedare aku n future wife dier g "tapau" prosperity burger tuk ktorg :)
nyum nyum, -.-

then the next day plak party on the groom side:)
shit, tido lambat lagi:( habis my eyes jadi panda nnti =.=
bole kate penat la, mengemas sne sni smpai kol 2 pagi an, damn badan da lenguh2,

the next day lagi which is the sunday, sebelah pagi tu ade upacara ape tah(xtau nk explain cmne)
sbb untuk org cina dier ade cm adat tau bagi minum teh tuk org tua :) korunk pandai2 la pk sndiri sbb aku x tau nk explain, then abis dlm kol 12 la, ade la dlm mase 2 jam nk rehat2 dlu, lpas rehat tu trus kte bergegas pulang tuk siap2 ke wedding dinner kat sni plak..(abg man thx ingatkan org ye, jasamu akn dikenang!)

KLCC Convention Centre

its was held here,the same place when my abg sedare 1st kawin jgk:) tmpat dier mmg agak mahal, tpi disebabkan kakak ktorg tu keje kat sni so ade spesel diskaun skit la,

ni nak cite ni, aku n para saudara ditugaskan tuk jadi receptionist:) mmg best sbb tolong registar name n kutip angpau tpi mmg penat beb, kaki mmg mcm nk tercabut, mcm sis becky said to be pretty need sacrifie, so tahan je la,,hahha,, ramai gak yg puji memuji aku sbb aku cute malam tu,,hahah(kembang jap, berbaloi la kaki sakit n sejuk2 kat ball room tu)

tetamu da hampir smpai sumanye n then i have to wait if there is any late comer(tunggu je la,bro alex u must belanja me makan mcd k).. hahah:)

posing kat tndas jap:)

me n my bro:)

me n my 'buah hati'
autie love u so much :)

me me me!

p/s: the ending is after the dinner we go n kira all the angpau, snap family photos, we go back at around 12.30:)

da smpai rumah, dgn makeup x cuci, dress cmpak sne sni, high heel bergelimpangan di lantai ak trus tumbang ke atas katil n
ZZZZZzzzzzzzzz (after PENAT n HARDWORKING for few days)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Errr -.- Part 2

Cikin:weyh jgn wat gosip2 hot2 ok? haha :)

hahaha, weyh abg othman tu kwn aku daa, dier abg yg bwk bus U41(sg long) la, hahaha, dier rapat ngn aku je, suke blanje aku minum teh ais n bg aku duit rye, kih2 n suke bg naik bus free klau kad Touch n Go aku expired(jahat kang, ni suma cadangan dier sbb bile aku bg duit dier x mau, mampus aku klau CHECKER2 naik bus aku n dier jadi dead meat!!, hahaha,
die juga merangkap kawan abg zul la(mane la abg ku ni MIA skrg ni ek?hahaha,adik nk call tpi asyik lupe je,xpe la nnti adik jumpe abg k,adik kan suke kcau abg! n abg kan suke kacau adik klau xnmpk adik terpacak kat kota raya tu, hahaha, **abg x muak ke tgok muke adik ni tiap2 hari naik bus abg ka?hahaha

ish2 x baik bikin hot hot story ni tau, haha,

p/s:x bole jumpe die for 2 month lebih sbb dier keje kat depoh for light duty atas nasihat doktor :) ala x bole naik bus abg pusing2 sg long ngn KL mcm dlu, :(
sian, cpat2 sembuh ok,, nnti bole sye ronda2 sg long ngn KL lagi, hahaha,-.-

Errrr.. -.-

eeeiiii, alamak npe la msg, suke je kcau org ow, klau la die ni x usik org n kacau org sehari mmg x lengkap hidup dier(ayat poyos! sepak kang! hahaha) abg g la keje!! kate nk masuk kol 5, hahaha, dah2 g keje pat!! :)

sila jelas kan hutang anda pade sye ok..pnat tau msg ajr itu ini, byr kdit diana pat!hahaha:)
ok la bang, stop dlu k, g siap2, nnti lmbt plak kang, :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, Everything is New :)

Assalamualaikum wbt...
ok,,maybe its not to late for me to wish everybody HAPPY NEW YEAR <--not too late kan..haha:)

each of every one of u mesti ade own resolution kan2...heheh
including me la..
tpi resolution aku x pyh cite sni la kan..
i wish all your resolution come true ok..

mcm la aku ckp new year mesti ade new things kan..
aku de lappy bru..




new dress,,,okok..new dresssssss...akhirnye aku dpt dress untuk wedding abg sedare aku ok..
weekend ni wedding abg aku kat ball room KLCC...
last minute dow bru dpt dress ni..ingat senang ke..=.=
satu mid valley aku n my mum berkelana jaya n buat tawaf stu...
saiz aku ni susah nk cri dress ow disebabkan aku badan ak yg comel stu sni an..
akhirnye dlm kol 9 malam bru dpt cti dress ni kat metrojaya..dress dier lawa n fits me wonderfully,,hahah,,,bkn murah ok dress tu walaupun dh diskaun 20%....x pyh ckp la dress tu bpe harga..as long aku sendiri yg tau...
klau korunk nk tau korunk g la cri dress ni sendiri kat metrojaya mid..wahahahahaha:)
thx to my dad for the dad...love u dad,,,nnti i claim from u ok..still have the resit with me..hahah
n thxx to my mum too sbb temankan me cri dress tu...n u show a lot of patient throughout there...
i love daddy n mummy so much..muahmuah muah..:)

this is the lovely dress
p/s:pix to agk x lawa sbb fon murah an so pix mmg x lawa la kan..